Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 21 -- Westward Ho!

Today we started out in Independence, MO, where we quickly got in the car to head to the site of the Liberty Jail (all wearing the same clothes we had the day before… needless to say I’m sure we smell and are in dire need of a good shower) The drive was only about 10 minutes away. The LDS church has a wonderful visitor’s center there where we went and were given an informational/historical (and spiritual) tour of the events that occurred in the small prison. It was a wonderful experience and a great way to start the day. The next leg of our journey would not be so “relaxed” even though we wouldn’t have to do anything but sit in a car. However, sitting in a car is quite draining, especially when you’re driving through Kansas (no offense to anyone from or living in Kansas… I just don’t particularly like it.) Anyhow today was spent getting from Kansas City, MO (Yes… Missouri, I don’t understand it either) to Aurora, CO (which is right outside of Denver and also where my Aunt Sharla and Uncle Michael live.) The trip went (or rather is going – since I’m writing this now in the car) quicker than previously thought. We crossed the border into Colorado at the quite respectable hour of 6PM. Other than that there hasn’t been much to report. Grandpa learned that the meaning of life is 42, Grandma enjoyed a Starbucks, Adam finally got to sit in the middle seats for an extended period of time, Jordan read, Lindsey read (there was a lot of reading… and watching movies), Gunther played chess and watched movies, and I reached a new level of clarity about my own life while reading Eat, Pray, Love in the back of a Suburban in the middle of Kansas. Funny how that sometimes happens ;) Love you all and wishing you the best. I’ll see you soon…
Written By: Miranda
Pictures By: Miranda


  1. eat, pray, love, the solution to all problems:) sounds mostly like a lot of driving. Can't wait to see you!

  2. Oh, ye adventurers, where did you go? We await more news of you travels! AL
